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About Administrative Science Department
The administrative sciences department is considered the largest department in terms of the number of students and academic programs offered. It also includes distinguished academic staff who seek to implement the programs of the university and the college and achieve their goals. The department programs and plans are subject to a continuing development process to keep abreast of the latest scientific developments on the one hand, and provide the students with the knowledge and skills they need on the other. The department has developed teaching plans and methods to cope with the reality and challenges of the labor market. The department received accreditation for all its academic programs by The National Commission for Assessment and Academic Accreditation (NCAAA) in the academic year 1432/1433 and for the next five years. The department has four academic programs which are the sales management program, the human resources management program, the financial management program and the business insurance management program.

The department introduces a qualified program and grants an associate degree in the following disciplines:

- Sales Management

- Financial Management

- Human Resources Management

- Business Insurance

- Taxing Accounting


Areas of the graduate work

* Banks.

* The financial market.

* Insurance companies.

* Service companies.

* Government agencies.

* Trade and investment sector.



Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:49am