SUN - Java Sun Microsystems created the OO language Java, this is their official site dedicated to it. Includes all the latest Java downloads.
PHP The official site for PHP (hypertext Preprocessor), the worlds most commonly used server side language for internet applications.
Ruby Ruby is open source and is rated as the 13:th most used language. It has gotten alot more focus lately with the new RoR framework and it's totally free for anyone to use, modify and distribute.
Perl An open source language that has gotten ground with it's powerfull string manipulation. Currently losing ground to new frameworks as well as PHP.
MySQL A database language, often used in combination with PHP. MySQL is very popular because of it's extensive online documentation and free licence.
Visual basic Microsofts official site for Visual Basic, a top 10 used programming language.
Ruby on Rails RoR is the new praised developing framework for the Ruby language. It emphasizes on extremly quick development without creating poor runtimes.
Language comparison See the languages black on white. Includes the key numbers as well as benchmarks.
D Programming Language The official site of the D language that first appeared in '99. D looks alot like C++ but claims to enable quicker development.
Comparing Java and C++ This page specifies the differences between Java and C++. For example, while Java is platform independent, C++ is generally faster.